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You will be able to anchor harmony, peace and joy in

relationships, though Compassionate Communication coupled with conscious, loving, sensual touch.

Men and women--gay, bi, trans or straight--can practice

Evolutionary Tantra, with a partner, with a group or on their own.

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We come together in a safe,

non-judgmental, sacred

space to experience the gentle, transformative effects of

Evolutionary Tantra.

Pilates Exercise

Individual sessions are currently available on Zoom. They include tantric practices for Self Love, Self Care, pleasure, rejuvenation and replenishment. Handling relationship issues. Tools for orgasmic mastery,  addressing  trauma, dysfunction, shame and guilt. The spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical benefits of raising and circulating sacred sexual energy. 

Private Parties


Yoga Practice
Women's Sensual Yoga

The radiant, sensual, self nourishing and replenishing aspects of the Divine Feminine are available to every woman in this practice.  Sensual Yin Yoga-like poses, allow you to slow down, gracefully stretch and strengthen, breath fully and drop deep into soul presence within the body. Safely release inhibitions through loving, sensual self-touch.  Luxuriate in the exquisite beauty of

your own movement and

self expression.

Experience yourself as radiant, sovereign and whole.

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The Tantric Way 

It is also a platform for spiritual, mental, emotional and physical evolution, soul embodiment, light body activation and embodied ascension. If harnessed consciously, sexual energy can be used to manifest our soul purpose, our abundance and our greatest dreams and visions of the

New Earth that is 

consciously equitable,

environmentally sustainable, and peaceful.

You will awaken primal sexual energy as a powerful

creative life force

 to heal, transform

and enlighten.

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Sacred Ceremony

We facilitate honoring ceremonies called Pujas where we invoke and enact archetypes of the Divine Feminine, Masculine, or Androgyne, evolving ourselves into the Divine Human. We often invoke the God/Goddesses, priests and priestesses, shamans and shamnesses of the ancient pantheons. Singles may rotate in circles where they honor each other with healing touch, dance, communication and breath practices. Couples have the option to rotate or stay together. In advanced classes, we can offer rituals of mystical union for alchemical transformation such as Maithuna or Hieros Gamos. These deeper couple or group ceremonies can also be performed as spiritual weddings and honeymoons. 

Corporate Events


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This is a tantric festival and sensual vacation for couples and singles celebrating sexual joy and liberation in a safe, sacred heart-centered container. Activities in this unified, We Space field, range from emotional release,  shadow integration, soul retrieval, chakra clearing to heart coherence, sensual massage, ecstatic dance;  eco-sensuality; DNA, kundalini and light body activation.  It is usually a long weekend retreat held at a spa hotel or retreat center 2-3 hours outside of Los Angeles. 


The Sacred Alchemical Union of opposites such as light and dark, heaven and earth, sun and moon, masculine and feminine, god and goddess, priest and priestess.  This is the sublime act of raising and circulating orgasmic energy (the source of life itself);  holding the  highest intention for it and transmuting it into spiritual experience. This deep, mystical ritual blesses: the participants, the community and the world; with love, unity, wholeness, healing, peace, joy and abundance. This can also be a wedding or honeymoon.

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Couples' Tantra

Couples Tantra and couples coaching is available by hourly appointments in person or online or as   weekend retreats. The focus is on enhancing love, intimacy, pleasure,  joy, honesty, trust, empathy and  growth in the relationship. To that effect you will acquire advanced tools to create a genuinely healthy relationship. You will gain the capacity to navigate conflicts, triggers, patterns, projections and misunderstandings. This may require releasing family and cultural imprints, hurt, anger blame and resentments in cathartic yet non-violent ways.  There is a path that will take you from a karmic relationship where you grow through challenges, to a dharmic relationship 

where you discover a deeper purpose for being together. With that your can anchor greater trust, harmony, unity, coherence, love, and peace into the relationship.  

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